Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Greg Stumbo makes Kentuckians sickle while he goes Reaper for Industrial Hemp Senate Bill 50

With their session almost over, Greg Stumbo (Democrat—Prestonburg) won’t allow a floor vote on Industrial Hemp Senate bill 50.

He has been opposed to the bill for many reasons and that had taken place even though the bill passed the Kentucky senate and both sub-committees in the Kentucky House.

At a recent town hall Rep. McKee (Democrat—Cynthiana)  had to face over 70 Kentucky farmers and their support for Hemp farming in Kentucky before he bowed to their commands.

Many analysts believe that any public servant seen as an obstruction to agro-centric job creation bills such as this will get no mercy when it comes time to vote in the next election.  Americans are more and more removing party affiliation and replacing it with Pro-jobs moniker.  American voters are no longer prepared to forgive such votes for party loyalty.

In a recent survey by the Louisville Courier Journal, 65% of Kentucky respondents said it was time for Industrial Hemp to bring Kentucky back to the forefront of agriculture in America.

Steven Wilson of the Central Missouri Industrial Hemp Network said, “With a history of Hemp production and a willing farmer base to harvest the raw material, it makes no sense to keep fighting over a simple issue.  Both Democrats and Republicans in state and Federal positions are going to have to answer what they stand for—Government or family?  With 31 countries farming Hemp and annual sales over 400 million the window for entry is going to close.  American farmers can’t wait forever to save America.”

Senator Jason Holsman (Democrat—Kansas City) has proposed a Hemp farming bill for Missouri.  With states like Colorado and Washington moving ahead with reform, the first states to do so will benefit greatly from the job and wealth creation.

1 comment:

  1. More than farming is required for industrial hemp to be promoted. Product mfg are required. Who will buy the straw? If Canada is not a good example, we should not be burning 1/2 our crop in the field: as they now do. Beans are good and profitable, but there is so much more in hemp straw.
