Thursday, October 1, 2015

North Carolina enters Industrial Hempdom

The Missouri Hemp Network announced today Senate Bill 313 passed the House on September 28, 2015 (with a vote of 101 to 7) and the Senate on September 29, 2015 (with a vote of 42 to 2) in favor of the proposed Industrial Hemp legislation in North Carolina. According to the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association (NCIHA), "this legislation will authorize an industrial hemp pilot program within the state of North Carolina and establish the Industrial Hemp Commission (IHC) to be followed by pilot program participants." IHC will implement the university research program.
Passed by both the House and the Senate, Industrial Hemp Senate Bill 313 awaits final approval from Governor Pat McCory. If approved by the Governor, the state will then establish its Industrial Hemp Commission to oversee the pilot program. This commission, reportedly, will work with the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association (NCIHA) of which David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.'s (OTC: HEMP) subsidiary Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC in Spring Hope, NC, is on the Board of Directors.
Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC: HEMP) said, "We couldn't be more excited. Just one day after the House approved the bill, it was approved by the Senate. This is a major accomplishment for the state. Years ago, the Senator Stan Bingham attempted to pass an Industrial Hemp bill but North Carolina's law enforcement opposed it and that buried the bill. Now, there are no objections to it. People are being educated on the myriad benefits of industrial hemp, including how it can help the economy. I believe we'll see less objections across the country as more people begin to understand what hemp is and how it can benefit them as an individual and how it benefits their community. Our multipurpose hemp processing plant is the only one in the state, so we are thrilled."
Per the Bill (view full Senate Bill 313 here), the General Assembly declared that promoting and encouraging the development of the industrial hemp industry are in the best interest of North Carolina residents. The industrial hemp industry can "expand employment, promote economic activity, and provide opportunities to small farmers for an environmentally sustainable and profitable use of crop lands that might otherwise be lost to agricultural production."
The bill also states it seeks to "establish an agricultural pilot program for the cultivation of industrial hemp in the State, to provide for reporting on the program by growers and processors for agricultural or other research, and to pursue any federal permits or waivers necessary to allow industrial hemp to be grown in the State."
"This is exciting news for North Carolina farmers who will be able to cultivate industrial hemp again for the first time in 71 years," said Thomas Shumaker, Executive Director for NCIHA. "We would like to thank everyone who supported our organization throughout this effort especially North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler and his team for their hard work and support in making this a reality."Hemp, Inc.'s multipurpose industrial hemp processing plant in Spring Hope, North Carolina is 80% complete. German engineer, Jens Kleinert of Temafa Machines, the manufacturer of Hemp, Inc.'s decortication machine, says he was quite surprised that it was able to be installed in such a short amount of time. This is Kleinert's third time visiting the plant to monitor the re-installation and has since derived a list of final tasks that need to be done.
As stated in Hemp, Inc.'s press release 9/29/2015, the processing plant continues to be prepped for maximum operational efficiency. An electrical contractor is currently on site assembling the electrical wiring. Thus far, fifty percent of the wiring has already been laid in the cable trays.
The fact that hemp is not yet legal in North Carolina played no role in setting up shop in North Carolina. Executives say the company will process kenaf until Senate Bill 313 goes into effect. "Even with the kenaf, we expect it to produce millions of dollars in revenue a year, which is already legal and very lucrative," said Perlowin.
From hemp historian John Dvorak's research, in 1619, it was illegal not to grow hemp in Jamestown, Virginia because it was one of the country's most valuable resources. Colonists were ordered to grow 100 plants specifically for fiber export. States actually encouraged hemp cultivation. However, marijuana prohibition and the dominance of the cotton industry set in. Today, Americans want to take advantage of the lucrative hemp cash crop.
HempX, the family-friendly free event held a few days ago, is one event of many that is educating Americans on the importance of hemp. HempX sought to educate both young and old about the multiple uses and benefits of industrial hemp. Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc., David Schmitt, COO of Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC, and, Philip Boyer, Director of Operations all attended the HempX event in Asheville, North Carolina.




Perlowin, Schmitt and Boyer met with Kevin Hodge, founder of Hemp Adobe Homes to discuss pouring the foundation pad for Hemp, Inc.'s 12-foot by 60-foot tall silo on the grounds of the processing facility. The silo, when filled, will weigh over 100,000 pounds. Hodge says hemp adobe will be a great option for the foundation material because it is more structural as opposed to hempcrete.
When asked the difference between hempcrete and hemp adobe in the latest video update, Hodge said hemp adobe is a refractory (a substance resistant to heat) made of magnesium. Magnesium, coupled with hemp, makes a very structural substance, whereas hempcrete is more of an insulator. Hemp Adobe Homes is in the process of giving Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC a quote for the project. The foundation pad needs to be completed within 60 days.
Perlowin also met with Brian Bullman, Managing Member of Carolina Canna Distributors, LLC, during HempX. His entire staff was at their booth selling Hemp, Inc.'s cosmeceuticals, along with other hemp products and their line of energy drinks (CannaEnergy). Hemp, Inc. and Carolina Canna Distributors solidified a new distributorship agreement which will put Hemp, Inc.'s products in as many of their 400 store channels of distribution, as possible. Perlowin also met with John Agar, North Carolina representative from District 115. "He was amazed and surprised at the scope of the project taking place in Spring Hope. Being a farmer, he was very receptive to moving the ball forward in legalizing hemp in D.C."

Monday, September 7, 2015

Hemp Advocate and Presidential Candidate has begun crowd funding at Indiegogo Life

Founder of the Missouri Hemp Network, Steven Wilson, is exploring a national Write-in campaign for US President in 2016.  His core issues revolve around economics.  He is promoting full cannabis reforms as well as reforms across a full spectrum of Federal topics of interest.  You can find out more by going here:

The campaign is in need of volunteers, a VP candidate, and funds.  It all takes money, but Wilson is frugal enough to make every dollar last as far as it can go.  If you are interested in donating follow the link below.

Cannabis reformers and Hempsters UNITE!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Industrial Hemp advocate Steven Wilson exploring Presidential run in 2016

JEFFERSON CITY, MO (August 14, 2015)—The founder of the Missouri Hemp Network, Steven Wilson, has to decided to explore the possibility of a Presidential campaign in 2016.

Wilson stated a few reasons why he is thinking of running for President: "The choices the American voter has right now are so divisive that logic and reason can’t survive. I also have been waiting for a candidate to appear who cares for the American working man and those less fortunate within our own society. As we are now in a political time of perpetual campaigning year after year I decided that waiting was a waste of time."

Wilson founded the Missouri Hemp Network in 2010 as a consumer based education network to aid Missourians in comprehending the final products from cultivating Industrial Hemp. He began this work originally in 1995 in Tennessee.

Wilson is no stranger to politics. He has worked with state politicians in data mining and drafting bills for industrial Hemp. Wilson has also been a candidate twice here in Missouri running under the Libertarian party banner.

Asked why he is contemplating a national Write-in campaign, he said: "James Madison was right about factionalism in America. The major two parties are perfect examples of what he warned us about, and more closely to myself, the LP of today is not the LP of 1996. The people have changed as well as the founding principles of the LP which made it attractive and worthwhile. I started out as a Green Party member (Green Road) because of Industrial Hemp and middle class quality of life, but found the LP to be more aggressive about individual sovereignty. But that LP is gone now. And finally, a Write-in campaign is labor intensive. The voter cannot just check a symbol and run. The voter will investigate and discuss and physically write down their chosen leadership. Write-In campaigns force voters to be accountable and informed."

Wilson is not running a single issue campaign. He is working on a much broader canvas which includes reform for Medicaid, taxation, Military, Prison, education, Electoral, Judicial, and trade.

To find out more about Steven Wilson and his exploratory matters please go to

Phone: 573-416-0075

Correspondence (Media) or General

Steven Wilson- President

P.O. Box 113

Jefferson City, MO 65101-0113

Might take it to the next level. I will wait and see how much support I can muster.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hemp Industries Association Conference 2015

(More coming soon...)

Emily Paxhia
Poseidon Asset Management

Emily Paxhia
Founding Partner & Director of Relations
Emily spends her time analyzing cannabis companies and building relationships with entrepreneurs and investors. With 10+ years of experience working as a brand consultant and researcher, her work spans multiple categories and industries. She consulted the re-branding of the Independent Film Channel to increase viewership and revenue and to develop Emmy-nominated Portlandia. Emily's clients have included McKinsey, Time Warner, Viacom, HBO, Participant Media, and Comcast. 

David Mitlin Ph.D.  
Clarkson University

David Mitlin Ph.D.
Professor and GE Chair in Oil and Gas Systems in both the Departments of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and Mechanical Engineering 
Clarkson University

Professor Mitlin has published over 125 peer-reviewed journal articles and presented to more than 60 invited or keynote events. He is credited to the research revealing the quality of hemp as a graphene alternative. He also holds 3 U.S. patents, is an editor for Journal of Materials Science and serves on the
     Board of Review for Metallurgical and Materials
     Transactions. Notably, he has supervised
graduated 13 Ph.D. students, 6 M.S. students
     and post docs, all of who are now working as
     leaders in 
industry, government research
     organizations and academia. Dave received a
     Doctorate in Materials Science from U.C. Berkeley 
     in 2000. 

Global Hemp
Cannabis Basics
Alaska Hemp Industries
Northern Lights Legal Services 
Tahoe Hemp Company 

Other Confirmed Speakers:
  • Adam Watson - Kentucky Department of Agriculture
  • David Williams - Agronomist at University of Kentucky
  • Dr. Ethan Russo MD - Medical Director of Phytecs
  • Many more to be announced...

Registration Fee, before August 15th
HIA MEMBER $400 | NON-MEMBER $500 (become a member)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Capitol Hemp Day Event in Jefferson City

Great two days.  125 attendees.  84 letters to the Gov signed. Senators stopped by and all positive vibes.  Three great interviews.

To all sponsors, thank you so much for your donations of samples or money.  Missouri is ready to rock the Hemp because of you.

Here are a few pics from the days events.

Peace in 2015

Steven Wilson, MBA
Missouri Hemp Network

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Capitol Hemp Day in Jefferson City

The Missouri Hemp Network is proud to announce the first ever Capitol Hemp Day Event on March 17th at the Capitol Building in Jefferson City, Missouri.  On the 3rd floor rotunda will be tables set up for samples, product display, and information about Hemp Economy.  This will run from 9am to 5pm.

On the 1st floor rotunda, there will be a viewing of the Hemp film "Bringing It Home".  It will start at noon and run until 1pm.  There will time for questions after the viewing.

Come and join us celebrate a new future for the state of Missouri.

Here is the link for the packet that has more details about the event: